The number of the beast is… 8?
My office computer got haunted today, and the beast manifested itself in the 8-key on the keyboard (the key above the letters, not the keypad). If I had a file explorer window open somewhere in the background while working with some other programs, and I then needed to type something that included the number eight, I naturally press the 8-key, and what happens then? The file explorer window in the background suddenly jumps to the front of all windows and steals the focus. If I closed all open file explorer windows the 8-key worked just as it should, but as soon as a file explorer window was present the key magically turned into a file explorer summoner. The 8-key on the keypad worked just fine, though, without any hint at any beastly intervention.
I googled this problem for an hour without finding a single mention of anyone who has experienced even something slightly similar (if anyone has ever encountered this problem before, please leave a comment). After said hour I gave up and brought out my heavy PC exorcism toolkit. I splashed a bit of my holy water equivalent on the PC (also known as Norton Ghost, as I had several good images of my hard drive) the problem was solved. Nothing like a fresh installation of a computer to solve any problem that might show up.
So now I can use the number eight just as it is meant to be used… Though there is another number eight I’d certainly use welcome in a whole other non-technical way ;)