When I look back on my big USA vacation I can’t help but think about all the help I’ve gotten along the way, so I’m using this blog entry to give thanks where thanks is needed.
Lorna, thank you for being so supportive throughout the planning and the actual trip. You sent me maps, books and more links than I knew what to do with. You helped me with lodging and planning. Without you I would never be as organized as I was on this trip.
The StreamingSoundtracks.com community (especially Socr8s), thank you for organizing the John Williams concert. That was the whole reason I went to the US in the first place. It was so nice meeting up with some of the New York gang again, as well as meeting other good old chat friends.
Bryan and Georgia (and Piccolo), thank you for letting me stay with you for so many days, for taking me to all those places and for actually taking time off work to spend some time with me.
Kim and Henry, thank you for your hospitality and special treatment. The tea was great and I’m still enjoying it back home.
Perry and Gloria, thanks for letting me stay the night, watch the Emmys with you and for the BBQ (and the press certificate gift). Also thanks for showing me around the Comcast building the next day.
Hugh, the concierge at Harvest Inn in St. Helena, thank you for organizing my whole day in Napa Valley with visits to wineries, wine tastings and restaurants.
The stranger in line next to me at Heathrow, thanks for giving me that 10 Pound note when the card system at the counter failed and I had no means of paying for my sandwich and soda.
And finally thanks to my friends and family for being supportive of this vacation and basically cheering me on.