Once In A White Moon - by Gina Therese Hvidsten
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Once In A White Moon

Everybody loves… Russia

It seems congratulations are in order again. This year to Russia for pulling the longest straw in the Eurovision Song Contest. The song wasn’t really that great, but the ice skater skating around the performers, apparently on some foldable space age plastic really made the stage direction work. Norway ended up in 5th place, and at least we beat the Swedes, who didn’t even manage to get in the top 10 :PDo videnja Serbia, and Zdravstvuite Russia. See you there on May 16th 2009

Amazing graffiti

On the SGU forums there was a discussion about graffiti and whether it was a good or a bad thing. In general I think graffiti can be an awesome piece of art as long as it’s approved by the owner of the wall it’s painted on. If it has been put up illegally I’m all against it (especially when it comes to the art deprived "tagging").I don’t know if the following is approved by the authorities or not, but it’s definitely a piece of art regardless: A wall-painted animation by BLU

Expel "Expelled"

There’s a new documentary out now called "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" (do they fail to see the self deprecating irony in the title?) hosted by ’80s Cool Guy Ben Stein, nonetheless. It deals with how creationist "scientists" aren’t being taken seriously by the scientific community.Any real scientist knows that creationism has no valid scientific marks since the "theory" can’t be falsified (which is a major point in any real scientific theory), and they always claim, in the end, that "god did it". Besides, "creationism" is just "Intelligent Design" disguised as another word.This is all a bit too much for me to delve into, but thankfully there are other people out there to make my life so much easier: http://www.expelledexposed.com/I strongly recommend reading everything on that […] Read more

Geert Wilders’ "Fitna"

Geert Wilders, who is the leader of the Dutch Freedomparty, has made a short film named "Fitna" that is very critical about Islam, and he released it to the world during a recent press conference. The film has been published on the party’s website (an English version can be seen here).The Dutch authorities fear riots both in the Netherlands and internationally (with good reason when you look at all the trouble the Muhammed caricatures made) and I bet there will be loud protests from the Muslim communities around the world.I have just seen the film myself and felt like I had to comment about it, and what better way to do it than through my new blog :) The movie consists of some verses from […] Read more