Once In A White Moon - by Gina Therese Hvidsten
© 2025
Once In A White Moon


Phew, this was a tough day. I’ve taken a few relaxing days of work. Yet this day was not relaxing at all. I’ve totally refurnished my living room. I’ve just received my new TV/Stereo bench and the only way to make it fit into my living room was to mirror it. I.e. place the couch where the TV used to stay and vica versa. This took pretty much all day, assembling the bench and moving all the furniture. A really tough job. But the result turned out very nice and I’m happy I did it. It’s almost like living in a new place. Check out some fresh pictures.Also; Happy birthday mom! :D


Today I received the most useless and expensive object I’ve ever bought… My very own lightsaber! :) I am practically a Jedi Knight which is why I need to have my own lightsaber. The saber was mainly ordered as a prop to be used in my Star Wars fanfilm Jedi Refugee, but the added bonus is that it’s really cool and makes a great ornament on my shelf. It’s customfitted to better suit my hands, and also made so that a broomstick can be attached to the hilt so that it’s possible to do some swordfighting with it. Be sure to check out the images of it in my photoalbum.

Wine cooler for PDA

After months of advertising my wine cooler I finally got it sold. It’s not that I didn’t want it myself, but I simply didn’t have any room for it. If I’d have any room I’d gladly keep it myself. But now it’s sold and I’ve gotten some space in my hallway again.As I planned, I bought a PDA for the money and I ended up with the iPaq 5550 from Hewlett Packard… also as planned. There was just one problem with the one I bought. I should have smelled the cat when the box was in german. I opened the box and found that all the manuals was in… german. So I turned on the PDA, and you guessed it… it was in german. Now, […] Read more

Photo published on spaceweather

It seems the relationship between NASA and me continues to grow. I was outside on January 31st when I saw a faint, but nice, halo around the moon. I walked very fast inside and grabbed my camera. The problem was that the moon was pretty high in the sky and I don’t have a tripod (my birthday is coming up soon… nudge, nudge, wink, wink). So I used my car as a stabilizer and my gloves for further adjustment (and protection from the snow. The picture turned out very nice and the NASA sponsored website spaceweather.com put my picture on their front page. Let’s just hope they’ll soon call my up asking me to go to ISS to document some experiments.